CS180 Project 2


1.1: Finite Difference Operator


Convolution with Finite Difference in the x direction

Convolution with Finite Difference in the y direction

Gradient Magnitude Image

Binarized Edge Image (treshold = 0.3)

1.2: Derivative of Gaussian Filter

Convolution with Gaussian Kernel (Blurred Image)

Convolution of Blurred Image with D_x

Convolution of Blurred Image with D_y

Blurred Gradient Magnitude

Binarized Edge Image (treshold = 0.07)

Note above that the edge image on the blurred image is much less noisy than before. Additionally, the edges are typically thicker and have fewer discontinuities than when using the difference filter on the original iamge.

Original Gaussian Filter

Gaussian Convolved with D_x

Gaussian Convolved with D_y

Blurred Gradient Magnitute from DoG

Binarized Edge Image (treshold = 0.07)

Here the results of convolving twice (first with the Gaussian and then the D_x/D_y) filters are the same as the results of convolving with the combined filter.

2.1: Image "Sharpening"

Taj Mahal

Original Blurred Sharpened


Original Blurred Sharpened

Boats Original Blurred Sharpened

Blurring and unblurring a sharp image

Discussion: The unsharp mask filter made the image appear sharper overall. The dark lines on the orginal images were emphasized, which makes the image more visually striking. But sharpening the blurred image does not recover the original image perfectly, possibly due to the loss of high frequencies during the blurring process.

2.2: Hybrid Images



28 Boy/Owl

Log magnitudes of FFTs of an image of a boy

Low pass filtered version

Log magnitudes of FFTs of an image of an owl

High pass filtered version

Sum of the above low pass filtered and high pass filtered version

Hybrid Image

Discussion: The boy and Owl image is my favorite. The two subjects here share similar facial structures, which makes alignment easy. Also, the owl has complex feather structures, which is well perserved in high frequency.


Discussion: This is an example of failure. The subjects of the two images here don't align, which means that when you tries to decipher the low frequency image, the high frequency one will distract you negatively.

2.3: Gaussian and Laplacian Stacks

Apple Half

Orange Half


Final result

2.4: Multiresolution Blending

Vertical seam

Irregular mask

Laplacian Stack Output Image

Imortant things I learned

I really see the importance of understanding the internal working of different normalization methods. I saw drastic impact of what I previouslly thought as unimportant normalization differences. In the process of generating the correct images, I generated a lot of "inccorect" but very artistically interesting images that deepened my curiosity in computer graphics.